“Rejoice, O righteous ones, and ye heavens be glad.
Sing with joy, ye mountains,
for the Nativity of Christ.”
“Idiom. Ainon of Christmas”
“A paradoxal mystery
has been shown to us today,
as God becomes man.
“Vespers Idiom. Aposticha of December 26th”
Christmas 2015
Dear breather in Christ born,
Again this year our Holy Church leads us by the hand to live the ultimate mystery of the Divine Incarnation. She opens us the gates to enter reverently to the knowledge of the Divine Love of the inexpressible Philanthropy of our Creator and God. Our souls are shocked by the holy awe, by gladness and joy, thanksgiving and praise as we stare and kneel before the Divine Infant of Bethlehem.
A paradoxical mystery! An incomprehensible miracle! God becomes man to make man God. He gives an end to the curse of disobedience; He gives an end to the desperate sadness of sin. He spreads lovingly upon all mankind the cloud of His mercy, to the created nature and the creation. Renews everything, builds His created and uncreated Church, the Kingdom of the Heavens. He grants richly the joy, peace and the salvation.
Let us rejoice, my brethren, with all the righteous and our Saints, let us love our infant Savior with all our heart and with all our strengths. If we are in the Church, let us become the type of His life, the beat of His heart.
If we are not, let us come back and let us repent.
The Born Christ came like a king and revealed the truth. He is the prophesied Messiah, the Incarnate Son and Word of God, the Savior of the world. Inside His one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church, gave all the means for our personal salvation. He is our only faith and hope.
We must not be drifting, my brethren, by the false preachings of the heresy of Ecumenism of the faltering world. Let us stay steady to the right faith, in what was delivered to us by the Apostles, by our Holy and God-bearing Fathers, to the heritage of the Ecumenical Councils.
The Born Christ came and comes, “yesterday and today and to the ages”. He is the most “fairer than the children of men”. He does not need corrections, adulteration, variants from us the arrogant and sinners. Those who deride and deny His Divine birth, those who slap, spit, baste and alter His Divine Person, those who dare to adulterate His truth, are not only rejected with rage, but bear all the anathemas and curses of our saints.
“Let us stand aright," my Brethren.
Let us celebrate in a godlike manner this year again the holy Birth of our Savior and let ask Him to give peace to our troubled world, to keep our Holy Church immaculate and pure from the fallacy and the heresy.
May our God give to your God-loving families health, joy and salvation and the new year 2016 may it be a blessed one and salvific.
With our love in born Christ the smallest Abbess Pavlina and the sisters with me