CANON OF PREPARATION for Holy Communion.
(The night before)
Heavenly King... Trisagion: All-holy Trinity... Our Father... Lord have mercy (12 times). O come let us worship... (Thrice).
Psalm 50: Odi 1. Tone 2.
Eirmos: Come, O you people, let us sing a song to Christ our God, Who divided the sea, and made a way for the nation which He had brought up out of the bondage of Egypt; for He is glorious. Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.
Troparia: May Thy holy Body be for me the bread of eternal life, O gracious Lord, and may Thy precious Blood be a remedy for my many forms of sickness. Cast me not away from Thy Face, and take not Thy Holy Spirit from me. Defiled by misguided deeds, wretched as I am, I am unworthy, O Christ, to partake of Thy immaculate Body and divine Blood, but make me worthy of them. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen. O blessed Bride of God, O good land which produced the unplowed Corn which saves the world, grant that I may be saved by eating it.
Odi 3. Eirmos:
By establishing me on the rock of faith, Thou hast given me power over my enemies, and my spirit rejoices when I sing: There is none holy as our God, and none good but Thee, O Lord.
Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.
Troparia: Grant me, O Christ, teardrops to cleanse the dross from my heart, that, purified and with a good conscience, I may come with fear and faith, O Lord, to the communion Thy divine gifts. Cast me not away from Thy Face, and take not Thy Holy Spirit from me. May Thy immaculate Body and divine Blood be for the forgiveness of my transgressions, for communion with the Holy Spirit and for Eternal Life, O Lover of men, and for estrangement from passions and sorrows. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen. O all-holy Lady, Altar of the Bread of Life, which for mercy's sake came down from on high and gave new life to the world, make even me, who am unworthy, worthy now with fear to eat it and live.
Odi 4. Eirmos:
From a Virgin didst Thou come, not as an Ambassador, nor as an Angel, but the very Lord Himself incarnate, and didst save me, the whole man. Therefore I cry to Thee: Glory to Thy power, O Lord! Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.
Troparia: O most merciful One. Who wast incarnate for us, Thou didst will to be slain as a Sheep for the sins of men; therefore I implore Thee to blot out my offenses. Cast me not away from Thy Face, and take not Thy Holy Spirit from me. Heal the wounds of my soul, O Lord, and wholly sanctify me, and make me worthy, O Lord, to partake of Thy divine mystical Supper, wretched as I am. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen. Intercede for me also, O Lady, with Him Who came from thy womb, and keep me, thy slave, pure and blameless that I may be sanctified by obtaining the spiritual pearl.
Odi 5. Eirmos:
Giver of light and Sovereign Creator of the worlds, guide us in the light of Thy commandments, for we know no other God than Thee. Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.
Troparia: As Thou didst foretell, O Christ, let it be to Thy wicked servant. Abide in me as Thou didst promise; for lo, I am eating Thy divine Body and drinking Thy Blood. Cast me not away from Thy Face, and take not Thy Holy Spirit from me. O Word of God, and God, may the live coal of Thy Body be for the enlightenment of me who am darkened, and may Thy Blood be the cleansing of my sinful soul. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen. O Mary, Mother of God, holy tabernacle of the scent of Heaven, make me by Thy prayers, a chosen vessel, that I may partake of the Sacrament of thy Son.
Odi 6. Eirmos:
Whirled about in the abyss of sin, I appeal to the unfathomable abyss of Thy compassion: Raise me up from corruption, O God. Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.
Troparia: O Saviour, sanctify my mind, soul, heart and body, and grant me uncondemned, O Lord, to approach the fearful Mysteries. Cast me not away from Thy Face, and take not Thy Holy Spirit from me. Grant estrangement from passions, and the assistance of Thy grace, and assurance of life by the communion of Thy Holy Mysteries, O Christ. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen. O Holy Word of God and God, sanctify the whole of me as I now approach Thy divine Mysteries, by the prayers of Thy Holy Mother. Lord, have mercy. (Thrice). Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen. Kontakion: Disdain me not to receive now, O Christ, the Bread which is Thy Body and Thy divine Blood, and to partake, O Lord, of Thy most pure and dread Mysteries, wretched as I am, and may it not be to me for judgment, but for eternal and immortal life.
Odi 7. Eirmos:
The wise children did not adore the golden idol, but went themselves into the flame and defied the pagan gods. They prayed in the midst of the flame, and an Angel bedewed them: The prayer of your lips has been heard. Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.
Troparia: May the communion of Thine immortal Mysteries, the source of all goodness, O Christ, be to me light and life and dispassion and the means of progress and proficiency in divine virtue, O only Good One, that I may glorify Thee. Cast me not away from Thy Face, and take not Thy Holy Spirit from me. That I may be redeemed from passions, enemies, wants, and every sorrow, I now draw near with trembling, love and reverence, O Lover of men, to Thy immortal and divine Mysteries, singing to Thee: Blessed art Thou, O God of our fathers. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen. O thou who art full of Divine Grace and gavest birth incomprehensibly to the Saviour Christ, I thy servant, unclean as I am, now beseech thee, O pure one: Cleanse me who now wish to approach the immaculate Mysteries, from all defilement of body and spirit.
Odi 8. Eirmos:
Sing of the acts of God Who descended into the fiery furnace with the Hebrew children, and changed the flame into dew, and exalt Him as Lord throughout all ages. Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.
Troparia: Grant me, who am desperate, to be a participant now of Thy heavenly, dread and holy Mysteries, O Christ, and of Thy divine Mystical Supper, O my Saviour and God. Cast me not away from Thy Face, and take not Thy Holy Spirit from me. I fly for refuge to Thy compassion, O Good One, and I cry to Thee with fear: Abide in me, O Saviour, and I in Thee as Thou saidst; for lo, confiding in Thy mercy, I eat Thy Body and drink Thy Blood. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen. I tremble, taking fire, lest I should burn as wax and hay. O dread Mystery! O Divine Compassion! How can I who am clay partake of the divine Body and Blood and become incorruptible!
Odi 9. Eirmos:
The Son of the Eternal Father, God and Lord, has appeared to us incarnate of a Virgin, to enlighten those in darkness, and to gather the dispersed; therefore the allhymned Mother of God we magnify. Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.
Troparia: The Lord is good. O taste and see! For of old He became like us for us, and once offered Himself as a sacrifice to His Father and is perpetually slain, sanctifying communicants. Cast me not away from Thy Face, and take not Thy Holy Spirit from me. May I be sanctified in body and soul, O Lord; may I be enlightened and saved; may I become by the communion of the Holy Mysteries Thy dwelling, having Thee with the Father and the Spirit living within me, O most merciful Benefactor. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit: May Thy most precious Body and Blood, my Saviour, be to me as fire and light, consuming the fuel of sin and burning the thorns of my passions, enlightening the whole of me to adore Thy Divinity. Now and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen. God took flesh of thy pure blood. Therefore, all generations sing to thee, O Lady, and throngs of heavenly minds glorify thee. For through thee we have clearly seen Him Who is Lord of all united essentially with mankind. (And in the morning the special psalms and prayers to be read before Holy Communion.)
(Same day)
In the Name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee. Heavenly King, Comforter, Spirit of Truth, Who art everywhere present and fillest all things, Treasury of good gifts and Giver of Life, come and abide in us, and cleanse us of all impurity, and save our souls, O Good One. Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal One, have mercy on us. (Thrice) Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen. Most Holy Trinity, have mercy on us. O Lord, wash away our sins. O Master, pardon our transgressions. O Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities for Thy Name's sake. Lord, have mercy. (Thrice) Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen. Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from the evil one. For Thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen. Lord, have mercy. (12 times). O come let us worship God our King. O come let us worship and fall down before Christ, our King and God. O come let us worship and fall down before Christ Himself, our King and our God. Then the following Psalms: 23, 24, 116: 10-19 (King James text); 22, 23, 115 (Septuagint).
Psalm 22.
The Lord is my Shepherd, and will deny me nothing. He has settled me in a green pasture, and nourished me beside refreshing water. He has converted my soul, and led me in the paths of righteousness for His Name's sake. For even though I walk in the midst of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for Thou art with me. Thy rod and Thy staff have comforted me. Thou hast prepared a table before me in the face of those who trouble me. Thou hast anointed my head with oil. And Thy chalice which inebriates me, how glorious it is! And Thy mercy will follow me all the days of my life. And I shall dwell in the house of the Lord throughout the length of my days.
Psalm 23.
The earth is the Lord's and all that is in it, the world and all who dwell in it He has set it on the seas, and prepared it on the rivers. Who will ascend the mountain of the Lord, or who will stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who has not set his mind on vanity or sworn deceitfully to his neighbour. He will receive a blessing from the Lord, and mercy from God his Saviour. These are the kind who seek the Lord, who seek the face of the God of Jacob. Lift up your gates, you princes, and be lifted up, you eternal doors, and the King of Glory will enter. Who is this King of Glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle. Lift up your gates, you princes, and be lifted up, you eternal doors, and the King of Glory will enter. Who is this King of Glory? The Lord of Hosts, He is the King of Glory.
Psalm 115.
I believed and so I spoke; but I was deeply humiliated. I said in my madness: every man is a liar. What shall I give in return to the Lord for all that He has given me? I will receive the cup of salvation and call on the Name of the Lord. I will pay my vows to the Lord in the presence of all His people. Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His Saints. O Lord, I am Thy slave; I am Thy slave and son of Thy handmaid. Thou hast broken my bonds asunder. I will offer Thee the sacrifice of praise, and will pray in the Name of the Lord. I will pay my vows to the Lord in the presence of all His people, in the courts of the Lord's house, in the midst of thee, O Jerusalem. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen. Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia. Glory to Thee, O God. (Thrice) Lord, have mercy (Thrice). And then the following prayers: Overlook my faults, O Lord Who wast born of a Virgin, and purify my heart, and make it a temple for Thy spotless Body and Blood. Let me not be rejected from Thy presence, O Thou Who hast infinitely great mercy. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. How can I who am unworthy dare to come to the communion of Thy Holy Things? For even if I should dare to approach Thee with those who are worthy, my garment betrays me, for it is not a festal robe, and I shall cause the condemnation of my sinful soul. Cleanse, O Lord, the pollution from my soul, and save me as the Lover of men. Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen. Great is the multitude of my sins, O Mother of God. To thee, O pure one, I flee and implore salvation. Visit my sick and feeble soul and intercede with thy Son and our God, that He may grant me forgiveness for the terrible things I have done, O thou who alone art blessed. On Holy and Great Thursday the following is read: When Thy glorious Disciples were enlightened at the Supper by the feet-washing, then impious Judas was darkened with the disease of avarice, and he delivered Thee, the Just Judge, to lawless judges. See, O lover of money, this man through money came to hang himself. Flee the insatiable desire which dared to do such things to the Master. O Lord, Who art good towards all, glory to Thee. Lord, have mercy. (40 times) Prostrations as desired.
Then these prayers:
First Prayer of St. Basil the Great:
O Sovereign Lord Jesus Christ our God, source of life and immortality, Who art the Author of all creation, visible and invisible, the equally everlasting and co-eternal Son of the eternal Father, Who through the excess of Thy goodness didst in the last days assume our flesh and wast crucified for us, ungrateful and ignorant as we were, and didst cause through Thy own Blood the restoration of our nature which had been marred by sin: O immortal King, accept the repentance even of me a sinner, and incline Thine ear to me and hear my words. For I have sinned, O Lord, I have sinned against heaven and before Thee, and I am not worthy to gaze on the height of Thy glory; for I have provoked Thy goodness by transgressing Thy commandments and not obeying Thy orders. But Thou, O Lord, in Thy forbearance, patience, and great mercy, hast not given me up to be destroyed with my sins, but Thou awaitest my complete conversion. For Thou, O Lover of men, hast said through Thy Prophet that Thou desirest not the death of the sinner, but that he should return to Thee and live. For Thou dost not will, O Lord, that the work of Thy hands should be destroyed, neither dost Thou delight in the destruction of men, but Thou desirest that all should be saved and come to a knowledge of the Truth. Therefore, though I am unworthy both of heaven and earth, and even of this transient life, since I have completely succumbed to sin and am a slave to pleasure and have defaced Thy image, yet being Thy work and creation, wretch that I am, even I do not despair of my salvation and dare to draw near to Thy boundless compassion. So receive even me, O Christ Lover of men, as the harlot, as the thief, as the publican, and as the prodigal; and take from me the heavy burden of my sins, Thou Who takest away the sin of the world, Who healest men's sicknesses, Who callest the weary and heavy laden to Thyself and givest them rest; for Thou camest not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance. And purify me from all defilement of flesh and spirit. Teach me to achieve perfect holiness in the fear of Thee, that with the clear witness of my conscience I may receive the portion of Thy holy Things and be united with Thy holy Body and Blood, and have Thee dwelling and remaining in me with the Father and Thy Holy Spirit. And, O Lord Jesus Christ, my God, let not the communion of Thy immaculate and life-giving Mysteries be to me for condemnation nor let it make me sick in body or soul through my partaking of them unworthily; but grant me till my last breath to receive without condemnation the portion of Thy holy Things, for communion with the Holy Spirit, as a provision for eternal life, and as an acceptable defense at Thy dread tribunal, so that I too with all Thy elect may become a partaker of Thy pure joys which Thou hast prepared for those who love Thee, O Lord, in whom Thou art glorified throughout the ages. Amen.
First Prayer of St. John Chrysostom:
O Lord my God, I know that I am not worthy or sufficient that Thou shouldest come under the roof of the house of my soul, for all is desolate and fallen, and Thou hast not with me a place fit to lay Thy head. But as from the highest heaven Thou didst humble Thyself for our sake, so now conform Thyself to my humility. And as Thou didst consent to lie in a cave and in a manger of dumb beasts, so also consent to lie in the manger of my unspiritual soul and to enter my defiled body. And as Thou didst not disdain to enter and dine with sinners in the house of Simon the Leper, so consent also to enter the house of my humble soul which is leprous and sinful. And as Thou didst not reject the woman, who was a harlot and a sinner like me, when she approached and touched Thee, so also be compassionate with me, a sinner, as I approach and touch Thee, and let the live coal of Thy most holy Body and precious Blood be for the sanctification and enlightenment and strengthening of my humble soul and body, for a relief from the burden of my many sins, for a protection from all diabolical practices, for a restraint and a check on my evil and wicked way of life, for the mortification of passions, for the keeping of Thy commandments, for an increase of Thy divine grace, and for the advancement of Thy Kingdom. For it is not insolently that I draw near to Thee, O Christ my God, but as taking courage from Thy unspeakable goodness, and that I may not by long abstaining from Thy communion become a prey to the spiritual wolf. Therefore, I pray Thee, O Lord, Who alone art holy, sanctify my soul and body, my mind and heart, my emotions and affections, and wholly renew me. Root the fear of Thee in my members, and make Thy sanctification indelible in me. Be also my helper and defender, guide my life in peace, and make me worthy to stand on Thy right hand with Thy Saints: through the prayers and intercessions of Thy immaculate Mother, of Thy ministering Angels, of the immaculate Powers and of all the Saints who have ever been pleasing to Thee. Amen.
Prayer of St. Symeon the Translator:
O only pure and sinless Lord, Who through the ineffable compassion of Thy love for men didst assume our whole nature through the pure and virgin blood of her who supernaturally conceived Thee by the coming of the Divine Spirit and by the will of the Eternal Father; O Christ Jesus, Wisdom and Peace and Power of God, Who in Thy assumption of our nature didst suffer Thy life-giving and saving Passion - the Cross, the Nails, the Spear, and Death - mortify all the deadly passions of my body. Thou Who in Thy burial didst spoil the dominions of hell, bury with good thoughts my evil schemes and scatter the spirits of wickedness. Thou Who by Thy life-giving Resurrection on the third day didst raise up our fallen first Parent, raise me up who am sunk in sin and suggest to me ways of repentance. Thou Who by Thy glorious Ascension didst deify our nature which Thou hadst assumed and didst honor it by Thy session at the right hand of the Father, make me worthy by partaking of Thy holy Mysteries of a place at Thy right hand among those who are saved. Thou Who by the descent of the Spirit, the Paraclete, didst make Thy holy Disciples worthy vessels, make me also a recipient of His coming. Thou Who art to come again to judge the World with justice, grant me also to meet Thee on the clouds, my Maker and Creator, with all Thy Saints, that I may unendingly glorify and praise Thee with Thy Eternal Father and Thy all-holy and good and life-giving Spirit, now and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.
First Prayer of St. John Damascene:
O Sovereign Lord Jesus Christ our God, Who alone hast authority to forgive men their sins, overlook in Thy goodness and love for men all my offences whether committed with knowledge or in ignorance, and make me worthy to receive without condemnation Thy divine, glorious, spotless, and life-giving Mysteries, not for punishment, nor for an increase of sins, but for purification and sanctification and as a pledge of the life and kingdom to come, as a protection and help, and for the destruction of enemies, and for the blotting out of my many transgressions. For Thou art a God of mercy and compassion and love for men, and to Thee we send up the glory, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.
Second Prayer of St. Basil the Great:
I know, O Lord, that I partake of Thy immaculate Body and precious Blood unworthily, and that I am guilty, and eat and drink judgment to myself by not discerning the Body and Blood of Thee my Christ and God. But taking courage from Thy compassion I approach Thee, for Thou hast said: "He who eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood abides in Me and I in him." Therefore have compassion, O Lord, and do not make an example of me, a sinner, but deal with me according to Thy mercy; and let these Holy Things be for my healing and purification and enlightenment and protection and salvation and sanctification of body and soul, for the turning away of every phantasy and all evil practice and diabolical activity working subconsciously in my members, for confidence and love towards Thee, for reformation of life and security, for an increase of virtue and perfection, for fulfillment of the commandments, for communion with the Holy Spirit, as a provision for eternal life, and as an acceptable defense at Thy dread Tribunal, not for judgment or for condemnation.
Prayer of St. Symeon the New Theologian:
From sullied lips,
From an abominable heart,
From an unclean tongue,
Out of a polluted soul, Receive my prayer, O my Christ.
Reject me not,
Nor my words, nor my ways,
Nor even my shamelessness,
But give me courage to say
What I desire, my Christ.
And even more, teach me What to do and say.
I have sinned more than the harlot
Who, on learning where Thou wast lodging,
Bought myrrh,
And dared to come and anoint Thy feet, my Christ
, My Lord and my God.
As Thou didst not repulse her
When she drew near from her heart, Neither,
O Word, abominate me,
But grant me Thy feet To clasp and kiss,
And with a flood of tears
As with most precious myrrh
Dare to anoint them.
Wash me with my tears
And purify me with them, O Word.
Forgive my sins
And grant me pardon.
Thou knowest the multitude of my evil-doings,
Thou knowest also my wounds,
And Thou seest my bruises.
But also Thou knowest my faith,
And Thou beholdest my willingness,
And Thou hearest my sighs.
Nothing escapes Thee, my God,
My Maker, my Redeemer,
Not even a tear-drop,
Nor part of a drop.
Thine eyes know
What I have not achieved,
And in Thy book
Things not yet done
Are written by Thee.
See my depression,
See how great is my trouble,
And all my sins
Take from me, O God of all,
That with a clean heart,
Trembling mind
And contrite spirit I may partake of Thy pure
And all-holy Mysteries
By which all who eat and drink Thee
With sincerity of heart
Are quickened and deified.
For Thou, my Lord, hast said:
"Whoever eats My Flesh
And drinks My Blood
Abides in Me
And I in Him."
Wholly true is the word
Of my Lord and God.
For whoever partakes of Thy divine
And deifying Gifts
Certainly is not alone,
But is with Thee, my Christ,
Light of the Triune Sun
Which illumines the world.
And that I may not remain alone
Without Thee, the Giver of Life,
My Breath, my Life,
My Joy,
The Salvation of the world,
Therefore I have drawn near to Thee
As Thou seest, with tears
And with a contrite spirit.
Ransom of my offences,
I beseech Thee to receive me,
And that I may partake without condemnation
Of Thy life-giving and perfect Mysteries,
That Thou mayest remain as Thou hast said
With me, thrice-wretched as I am,
Lest the tempter may find me
Without Thy grace
And craftily seize me,
And having deceived me, may seduce me,
From Thy deifying words.
Therefore I fall at Thy feet
And fervently cry to Thee:
As Thou receivedst the Prodigal
And the Harlot who drew near to Thee,
So have compassion and receive me,
The profligate and the prodigal,
As with contrite spirit
I now draw near to Thee.
I know, O Saviour, that no other
Has sinned against Thee as I,
Nor has done the deeds
That I have committed.
But this again I know
That not the greatness of my offences
Nor the multitude of my sins
Surpasses the great patience
Of my God,
And His extreme love for men.
But with the oil of compassion
Those who fervently repent
Thou dost purify and enlighten
And makest them children of the light,
Sharers of Thy Divine Nature.
And Thou dost act most generously
, For what is strange to Angels
And to the minds of men
Often Thou tellest to them
As to Thy true friends. T
hese things make me bold, my Christ,
These things give me wings,
And I take courage from the wealth
Of Thy goodness to us.
And rejoicing and trembling at once,
I who am straw partake of fire,
And, strange wonder!
I am ineffably bedewed,
Like the bush of old
Which burnt without being consumed.
Therefore with thankful mind,
And with thankful heart,
And with thankfulness in all the members
Of my soul and body,
I worship and magnify
And glorify Thee, my God,
For Thou art blessed,
Now and throughout the ages.
Second Prayer of St. John Chrysostom:
I am not worthy, O Lord and Master, that Thou shouldest enter under the roof of my soul; but since Thou in Thy love for men dost will to dwell in me, I take courage and approach. Thou commandest: I will open wide the doors which Thou alone didst create, that Thou mayest enter with love as is Thy nature, enter and enlighten my darkened thought. I believe that Thou wilt do this, for Thou didst not banish the Harlot who approached Thee with tears, nor didst Thou reject the Publican who repented, nor didst Thou drive away the Thief who acknowledged Thy Kingdom, nor didst Thou leave the repentant persecutor (Paul) to himself; but all who had been brought to Thee by repentance Thou didst set in the company of Thy friends, O Thou Who alone art blessed always, now and to endless ages. Amen.
Third Prayer of St. John Chrysostom:
Lord Jesus Christ my God, remit, forgive, absolve and pardon the sins, offences and transgressions which I, Thy sinful, useless and unworthy servant have committed from my youth, up to the present day and hour, whether with knowledge or in ignorance, whether by words or deeds or intentions or thoughts, and whether by habit or through any of my senses. And through the intercession of her who conceived Thee without seed, the immaculate and ever-virgin Mary Thy Mother, my only sure hope and protection and salvation, make me worthy without condemnation to receive Thy pure, immortal, life-giving and dread Mysteries, for forgiveness of sins and for eternal life, for sanctification and enlightenment and strength and healing and health of soul and body, and for the blotting out and complete destruction of my evil reasonings and intentions and prejudices and nocturnal fantasies of dark evil spirits. For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory and the honour and the worship, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.
Second Prayer of St. John Damascene:
I stand before the doors of Thy sanctuary, yet I do not put away my terrible thoughts. But O Christ our God, Who didst justify the Publican, and have mercy on the Canaanite woman, and didst open the gates of Paradise to the Thief, open to me the depths of Thy love for men, and as I approach and touch Thee, receive me like the Harlot and the woman with an issue of blood. For the one received healing easily by touching the hem of Thy garment, and the other by clasping Thy sacred feet obtained release from her sins. And I, in my pitiableness, dare to receive Thy whole Body. Let me not be burnt, but receive me even as these; enlighten the senses of my soul, and burn the stains of my sins: through the intercessions of her who bore Thee without seed, and of the Heavenly Powers, for Thou art blessed to the ages of ages. Amen.
Fourth Prayer of St. John Chrysostom:
I believe, O Lord, and I confess that Thou art truly the Christ, the Son of the Living God, Who came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the chief. And I believe that this is Thy pure Body and Thy own precious Blood. Therefore, I pray Thee, have mercy on me and forgive my transgressions, voluntary and involuntary, in word and deed, known and unknown. And grant that I may partake of Thy Holy Mysteries without condemnation, for the remission of sins and for life eternal. Amen.
Lines of St. Symeon the Translator:
Behold I approach for Divine Communion.
O Creator, let me not be burnt by communicating,
For Thou art Fire which burns the unworthy.
But purify me from every stain.
Then this Prayer: Of Thy Mystical Supper, O Son of God, accept me today as a communicant; for I will not speak of the Mystery to Thy enemies; I will not give Thee a kiss like Judas; but like the Thief do I confess Thee. Remember me, O Lord, in Thy Kingdom.
And again these lines:
Tremble, O man, when you see the deifying Blood,
For it is a coal that burns the unworthy.
The Body of God both deifies and nourishes;
It deifies the spirit and wondrously nourishes the mind.
And these Troparia: Thou hast ravished me with longing, O Christ, and with Thy divine love Thou hast changed me. But burn up with spiritual fire my sins and make me worthy to be filled with delight in Thee, that I may leap for joy, O gracious Lord, and magnify Thy two comings. Into the splendor of Thy Saints how shall I who am unworthy enter? For if I dare to enter the bridechamber, my vesture betrays me, for it is not a wedding garment, and as a prisoner I shall be cast out by the Angels. Cleanse my soul from pollution and save me, O Lord, in Thy love for men.
And this Prayer: Sovereign Lover of men, Lord Jesus my God, let not these Holy Things be to me for judgment through my being unworthy, but for the purification and sanctification of my soul and body, and as a pledge of the life and kingdom to come. For it is good for me to cling to God and to place in the Lord my hope of salvation.
Glory to Thee, O God;
Glory to Thee, O God;
Glory to Thee, O God.
I thank Thee, O Lord my God, that Thou hast not rejected me, a sinner, but hast granted me to be a communicant of Thy holy Things. I thank Thee that Thou hast granted me, unworthy as I am, to partake of Thy pure and heavenly Gifts. But, O Lord, Lover of men, Who didst die for us and rise again and bestow upon us these Thy dread and life-giving Mysteries for the wellbeing and sanctification of our souls and bodies, grant that these may be even to me for the healing of my soul and body, for the averting of everything hostile, for the enlightenment of the eyes of my heart, for the peace of the powers of my soul, for unashamed faith, for sincere love, for the fullness of wisdom, for the keeping of Thy commandments, for an increase of Thy divine grace, and for familiarity with Thy Kingdom; that being kept by Them in Thy holiness I may ever remember Thy grace, and never live for myself but for Thee our Lord and Benefactor. And so when I have passed from existence here in the hope of eternal life, may I attain to everlasting rest, where the song is unceasing of those who keep festival and the joy is boundless of those who behold the ineffable beauty of Thy face. For Thou art the true desire and the unutterable gladness of those who love Thee, O Christ our God, and all creation sings of Thee throughout the ages.
Prayer of St. Basil the Great Lord:
Christ our God, King of the ages and Creator of all, I thank Thee for all the blessings Thou hast granted me and for the communion of Thy pure and life-giving Mysteries. I pray Thee, therefore, good Lord and Lover of men, guard me under Thy protection and within the shadow of Thy wings; and grant me with a clear conscience till my last breath worthily to partake of Thy holy Things for forgiveness of sins and for life eternal. For Thou art the Bread of Life, the Source of Holiness, the Giver of all that is good, and to Thee we send up the glory, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.
Prayer of St. Symeon the Translator:
O Thou Who givest me willingly Thy Flesh for food,
Thou Who art fire, and burnest the unworthy,
Scorch me not, O my Maker,
But rather pass through me for the integration of my members,
Into all my joints, my affections, and my heart.
Burn up the thorns of all my sins.
Purify my soul, sanctify my mind;
Strengthen my knees and bones;
Enlighten the simplicity of my five senses.
Nail down the whole of me with Thy fear.
Ever protect, guard, and keep me
From every soul-destroying word and act.
Sanctify, purify, attune, and rule me.
Adorn me, give me understanding, and enlighten me.
Make me the habitation of Thy Spirit alone,
And no longer a habitation of sin,
That as Thy house from the entry of communion
Every evil spirit and passion may flee from me like fire.
I offer Thee as intercessors all the sanctified,
The Commanders of the Bodiless Hosts,
Thy Forerunner, the wise Apostles,
And Thy pure and immaculate Mother.
Receive their prayers, my compassionate Christ.
And make Thy slave a child of light.
For Thou alone art our sanctification, O Good One,
And the radiance of our souls,
And to Thee as our Lord and God as is right
We all give glory day and night.
May Thy Holy Body, O Lord Jesus Christ our God, be to me for eternal life, and Thy Precious Blood for forgiveness of sins. And may this Eucharist be to me for joy, health, and gladness. And in Thy awful second coming, make me, a sinner, worthy to stand on the right hand of Thy glory, through the intercessions of Thy holy and most pure Mother and of all Thy Saints. Amen.
To the Most Holy Mother of God:
All-holy Lady, Mother of God, the light of my darkened soul, my hope and protection, my refuge and consolation, and my joy, I thank thee that thou hast made me, who am unworthy, worthy to be a communicant of the immaculate Body and precious Blood of thy Son. But do thou who didst bear the true Light enlighten the spiritual eyes of my heart. O thou who didst conceive the Source of Immortality, give life to me who am dead in sin. O thou who art the compassionately loving Mother of the merciful God, have mercy on me and give me compunction and contrition of heart, humility in my thoughts, and the recall of my reasoning powers from their captivity. And grant me till my last breath to receive without condemnation the sanctification of the Holy Mysteries for the healing of soul and body. And give me tears of repentance and confession, and of thanksgiving, that I may praise and glorify thee all the days of my life. For thou art blessed and glorified for ever. Amen.
Then the Song of Symeon is said:
Now lettest Thou Thy servant depart in peace, O Lord, according to Thy word. For my eyes have seen Thy salvation which Thou hast prepared in the sight of all peoples, the light of revelation for the Gentiles, and the glory of Thy people Israel.
Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal One, have mercy on us. (3)
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.
Most Holy Trinity, have mercy on us. O Lord, wash away our sins, O Master, pardon our transgressions. O Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for Thy Name's sake.
Lord, have mercy. (3)
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen. Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from the evil one.
For Thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.
Grace like a flame shining forth from thy mouth has illumined the universe, and disclosed to the world treasures of poverty, and shown us the height of humility. And as by thy own words thou teachest us, Father John Chrysostom, so intercede with the Word, Christ our God, to save our souls.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
Thou hast received divine grace from heaven, and with thy lips dost thou teach all men to adore the one God in three Persons. O John Chrysostom, most blessed Saint, we rightly praise thee; for thou art our teacher, revealing divine things.
Now and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.
O Unfailing Intercessor of Christians, O Constant Mediatress before the Creator, despise not the cry of prayer of us sinners but, of thy goodness, come speedily to the help of us who in faith call upon thee. Hasten to offer swift intercession and prayer (for us), O Mother of God, who ever intercedest for those who honour thee.
Lord, have mercy. (12)
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.
More honourable than the Cherubim, and incomparably more glorious than the Seraphim, thou who in virginity didst bear God the Word, thee, true Mother of God, we magnify.
(and the Dismissal.)